Draft Minutes of 2020 Glos Folk AGM held online via Zoom 1st September 2020
The meeting commenced at 10.32 am. Peter Cripps was elected to take the Chair (proposed by Bill Taylor, seconded by Veronica Lowe)
Those present: Peter Cripps (Chairman), Veronica Lowe (Treasurer) Bill Taylor, Christine Reynolds, Astrid Cripps, Bill Craswell (Committee), Gareth Heatley. (exceeding the Quorum requirement of 5 members)
Apologies for absence had been received from Glos Folk member Chris Arscott.
The Minutes of the 2019 AGM (already circulated on web at http://www.glosfolk.btck.co.uk/2019AGMDraftMInutes) were approved. There were no matters arising for mention.
The Glos Folk Annual Report (already circulated on web at http://glosfolk.org.uk/Report2020.pdf) was approved after a wide ranging discussion on the positives and negatives arising from the last year’s activities. Peter Cripps described the lobbying that he had been involved in, particularly the success in persuading EFDSS to continue to include PLI with membership subscriptions. He had been much less successful with lobbying the BBC over the removal of folk programmes from local radio stations. He was pleased to report that Gloucester City Council have said they would include Glos Folk in future consultations about events including music opportunities in the city. Bill Taylor mentioned the recent contacts he had had with Folk of Gloucester Museum over their forthcoming events, although there were some worries expressed over whether performers might be pressured into appearing without any fee or expenses.
Veronica Lowe referred to the preliminary results from the EFDSS survey, which many present had contributed to, which was generally encouraging.
Christine Reynolds said how pleased she was to be able to view, and take part in, such a diverse range of folk activities online, that she would not normally be able to. This view met with general approval, and organisers were to be commended for using technology to the full.
Bill Taylor expressed some scepticism over the current government guidance for village halls, most morris sides and dance clubs would not have enough space to operate normally if they followed the rules. Peter Cripps did not think it would be possible for most dance clubs to operate normally until at least the new year.
The Financial Report & Accounts for 2019/20 (already circulated on web, and included in Annual Report at http://glosfolk.org.uk/Report2020.pdf) were explained by Treasurer Veronica Lowe, and approved unanimously. Veronica was thanked for all her hard work in navigating the difficulties of the banking system.
Nominations for the committee of Bill Craswell, Astrid Cripps, Bill Taylor, Christine Reynolds, Peter Cripps, Veronica Lowe, previously received, were accepted, and those people elected unanimously to serve for the next year.
Under the terms of the constitution officers (Chairman, Treasurer etc) are appointed by the committee.
Amendments to our ‘Vulnerable Adults and Child Protection Policy’ and ‘Equal Opportunities/Diversity Policy’ and ‘Privacy Statement, and Data Protection Policy’ (to comply with GDPR) were not needed at this time. Veronica Lowe was re-appointed as Responsible Officer, and Peter Cripps re-appointed as Data Protection Officer.
Any Other Business: There was no other business
Astrid Cripps wanted to thank all present for their efforts through the year in singing, playing, running sessions, dances, clubs, radio programmes, and keeping folk music going in the county.
The Chairman thanked all the members of the committee, and others who had helped in any way, for their efforts during the past year. He also thanked everyone for coming and contributing so positively to the meeting.
The Chairman was thanked for all his hard work and enthusiasm during the year. Bill Craswell was thanked for his technical support in setting up the Zoom facilities.
The meeting closed at 10.55 am.
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