Singers & Groups
2 Anchors A foot stomping harmony singing group from Gloucester comprising of male voices and 1 female voice bringing sea shanties and songs of the sea to any event. | 07530 313599 Email | |
Rose & Christy Arthur | 01453 549504 | |
Away With the Fairies - Playing traditional music and adapted covers on guitar and flute with harmony singing. | Debra - 07810177671 Email | |
Banshee -Multi Instrumentalists with gentle banter, and traditional as well as original songs and tunes. | 01594 825682 mobile 07770 892312 | |
Bellatryx - Electric Folk Band | 07970 877816 Email | |
Chris Beaumont | 01242 571185 | |
Blarney Stone - an Irish group with a unique instrumental line-up (flute, fiddle, whistles, hammered dulcimer, guitar, clarinet, bass clarinet) and world class Irish dancers. We perform at concerts, festivals and for special occasions. | ||
Blackthorn Buskers - Lively harmony folk band with 4 singers. | Will - 07740 248785 Email | |
Blondes with Beards - A harmony group singing a mix of folk and light country with jazz and blues overtones | 01453 887788/07890 985381 Email | |
Bob Bray | 01453 764885 | |
Brimstone - Celtic folk band (fiddle, whistle, guitar & bodhran plus other instruments depending on arrangements etc) based on the Gloucestershire Worcestershire Warwickshire borders | 01386 593210 EMail | |
Robin Burton Singer of traditional English songs | 07843 241371 | |
Carrick - Folk & Acoustic Duo | 07779 101789 Email | |
Henry Clements | 01454 882013 | |
Will Craswell - Modern & Traditional Folk Singer. | Will - 07740 248785 > Email | |
Creag & Morwenna - Harp & Guitar - mostly Celtic tunes for restaurants and weddings | Email Youtube | |
Johnny Coppin | 01453 885088 | |
Peter & Astrid Cripps tenor guitar & accordion - lively traditional tunes, with a few songs, nursing & residential homes a speciality | 01452 780401 Email | |
The Delfryns - Exploring the stories of England and the British Isles through song, the Delfryns sing a cappella material with occasional instrumentation. We also sing purely for pleasure once a month. All are welcome. | Robin - 07843 241371 Email | |
Discovery (Jeff & Elaine Gillett) - 'Traditional and contemporary folksong, plus Jeff's settings of William Blake's poetry. Vocal harmony, a capella and with accompaniment on guitar, mandola, mandolin, Appalachian dulcimer, English concertina and whistle' | 01453 751256 EMail | |
Feast of Fools An a cappella folk quartet singing a mixture of contemporary and traditional folk. | 07887 650335 | |
Firebrand | 01452 831491 | |
Friggitt - Sea Shanties | 01793 724561 Email | |
Jan Vaisey & Ian Harvey | 01594 841179/ 01242 263137 Email | |
Jeff Gillett - 'Singer and multi-instrumentalist. Traditional and contemporary' | 01453 751256 EMail | |
Gloucester Diamonds - A Shanty Crew with Rod Penlington, Paul and Mel Carter, Debra Hannis. Occasional Guest Flash, Lively Sea Shanties and Forebitters. Also traditional and Contemporary Folk Songs. Great harmonies and rousing choruses. | 01453 757965 EMail | |
Gloucester Gallery Quire | 01453 765324 | |
Martin and Shan Graebe sing together, mostly unaccompanied and in harmony. Their repertoire is based mainly on traditional songs from Southern England, with a few others collected on their travels. | 01285 651 104 EMail | |
Roger Grimes | 01452 415095 | |
The Rodborough Folk Orchestra (ROFFO) - Where Chamber Orchestra meets folk. Gloucestershire. | ||
Moira & Peter (Dampiers Round) - We play mainly fiddle & guitar, but also harp & flute, to accompany songs from around the British Isles, plus tunes that will get your feet tapping. | 01367 860869 Email | |
Hat, Scarf n Gloves | 07772 053778 Email | |
Peter Hayward | 01452 522220 | |
Hotwells Howlers - A group of eleven singers and musicians, united by a passion for the beauties of the English Folk Tradition, and specialising in seasonal songs, and in local songs and tunes from in and around Bristol | 01761 419224 | Lotsadots - an eclectic mix of mainly folk | 01452 770798 Email |
Veronica Lowe Sings a very varied repertoire of traditional and contemporary songs, with and without guitar, and plenty of chorus songs. | 01452 856093 Mobile 07760115539 | |
Clint Mann - Singer-songwriter who plays guitar, harmonica and bodhran; mainly own compositions drawing on folk, indie and avant-garde styles. | 01594 543534 EMail | |
Mayfish - Ancient and modern folk songs. Voices, piano, guitar, mandolin, whistle & cajon | 01285 770111 | |
Mitchell and Vincent - Lively traditional music from British Isles on fiddle & guitar | 07817318391/07767771699 Email | |
Rod Penlington – Traditional and Contemporary Songs; Guitar, Accordion, Concertina. Compere and member of Bees Knees Ceilidh Band. Email | 01453 757965 | |
Alan Pettifer - Singer/Songwriter | 01666 577186 07713 239228 Email | |
Reivers' Gallows - Gloucestershire fiddle driven pirate-folk band, playing a mix of English and Celtic folk tunes and songs, plus a few of our own | ||
Megan Russell | 01694 296203 Email | |
Andy Scarf | 01594 544456 | |
Shanvaghera - We play pure-drop foot-tapping Irish music. Having met playing on the Bristol Irish session scene, we found a common love of the less common Irish tunes, played with lift and lilt. Just four passionate players of the Irish tradition, playing instrumental music with care on fiddle, flute, tenor banjo and guitar. | Web site | |
Shepherd's Crook - Folk Choir | 01242 603094 E Mail | |
Bob Smith & Hickory Stick Boys | 01594 837235 | |
Mhairi Strauss | 01452 384104 | |
Stray Threads - Ali Clifton Barnard and Mark Harmer are based in Gloucestershire and weave wonderful voice and harp arrangements of traditional songs and new music. Our themes are change, journeys and the natural environment. | ||
Maddy Taylor | 01242 241623 | |
Ukes Anon – Tap your feet, sing along and dance! | 01242 570387 Email | |
Unearthed An instrumental folk duo performing a mixture of traditional and original folk tunes on guitar and recorders. | ||
The Vogwells - | ||
Sarana VerLin - fusing Folk, Americana, Celtic and rock | 07568 078540 | |
Widdershins | 01594 542763 | |